More Bun And More Bear

Friday, August 8, 2014

What I Want- Vegan Cookbook Wishlist

I have a number of vegan cookbooks. "Isa Does It", "The Veganomicon", "The Vegan Stoner", all of these books are handy to have around. I like having a lot of different cookbooks because it gives me a lot of different types of recipes to work from, from authors with varied tastes and backgrounds. But I can always use more books! So here's a few vegan cookbooks I would like to have.

13.32 on Amazon

"Bake and Destroy" is a super cute cookbook full of super cute food that I really want to eat. I never used to bake much, but lately I find myself wanting to try my hand at making more desserts.

17.90 on Amazon

"The Oh She Glows Cookbook" by Angela Liddon is a New York Times Best Seller for a reason. I use the website a lot already, and I feel like the cookbook would be even better. Liddon has never steered me wrong before, so this book is high on my "to buy" list.

$16.35 on Amazon

"Thug Kitchen" isn't even out yet, but I really, really want it. The Thug Kitchen website is amazing. It's funny, the food looks amazing, and it's fun in a way a lot of cookbook aren't. I am counting the days till this book comes out.

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