More Bun And More Bear

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pasta With Chickpea Sauce

Pasta is a great staple food to have around. Its easy to make, reheats well, and is super versatile. I make pasta at least once a week, so coming up with different ways t serve it is important.

Bear isnt as big of a fan of marinara as I am, so I decided to make him a bix container of pasta with a homemade sauce to bring to work. I wanted the meal to be nice and hearty so I decided to go with a chickpea base.

Chickpea Sauce-
1 can chickpeas
1 cup sun-dried tomatoes
1 cup black olives (no pits!)
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1 tablespoon garlic salt
1 tablespoon oregano
1 tablespoon ground black pepper

Simply add all ingredients to a food processor and then blend till smooth and creamy. Pairs well with normal spaghetti or penne, and can easily be frozen and put aside for later use.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Pumpkin Curry

Fall is here and so is pumpkin flavored everything. I can't get PSLs at Starbucks (dairy in the syrup), but I still like to get my fix of big orange squash. Curry is one of my favorite ways to serve pumpkin. The spices really set of the flavor in a nice way.

Pumpkin Curry-
1 large can pumpkin puree (NOT PUMPKIN PIE FILLING)
1 can chickpeas
1 large onion, diced
1 large can diced tomatoes
1 bell pepper, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon curry powder
1 tablespoon turmeric
1 tablespoon fennel seeds

In a large pot, add the diced onion, garlic and coconut oil and cook on meidum hgih until they become translucent and fragrant. Then add the chickpeas, bell pepper and tomatoes. Add spices and allow to simmer on medium low for at least 30 min. 
Best served over rice.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


The wedding was yesterday. Sadly don't have all the pics and stuff together for a full post but I do have some stuff from my photographers instagram. You can find him at tattooedbridephotoguy or at Allebach Photography.

My wedding boots and adorable Misfits travel mug which was a bit of a life saver.

The rescue kit made by my super cool maid of honor. Includes everything we could need from aspirin to hand sanitizer to tiiiny bottles of booze. Very handy.

One of the buffet signs. Food was soooo good and the signs were pretty fun.

Me being a bad-ass in my dress and jacket.